Search Results: 11 - 20 of 634

A Criminological Guide and Theoretical Analysis of Serial Killers and Infamous Murders

Author(s): John Paul, Michael Birzer, Robert Holland

Much of the general public’s knowledge of serial killers is a product of sensationalized and stereotypical presentations in the media. It’s time to break free of what we think we know and draw our information from factual analysis.Serial Killers provides an interdisciplinary approach to the study of...

Criminal Justice Research Methods

Author(s): Carlos Posadas, Aviva Glasner, Nicholas Natividad, David Keys

Research is powerful because it impacts decision-making in virtually every part of our lives, and it is critical for making informed decisions. The process of deciding what criteria matter most to you before ultimately making a decision is an example of using research to make the best decision possi...

Biology: Life as We Know It

Author(s): Andrew Baldwin

After two decades of teaching the two-semester sequence of general biology courses, requiring students to purchase a hefty textbook at a high cost that contained far more chapters than one could ever realistically cover in a typical academic year, the concept of this textbook was born.This text not ...

Prioritizing the Victim: The 21st Century Transformation of Victimology

Author(s): Debra Stanley, Heather Pfeifer, Gabriela Wasileski, Tracy Tamborra

This book is written for the new generations of brave souls who have and will continue to step into the shoes of the former leaders, activists, scholars, and victim service providers. It is vital to the future of victimology and all the future crime victims that the next generation be as brave and f...

Competent Communication at Work: Communication, Technology and Professional Practices

Author(s): Pamela Davis Hopkins, Holly J Payne, Patric Spence

New Fifth Edition Now Available!Communication skills could mean the difference between triumph and failure in countless situations in one’s professional life. Competent Communication at Work helps readers become effective and successful communicators via an array of channels through which they can e...

Fundamentals of Sports Ethics

Author(s): Gregg Twietmeyer

Many students come into sports ethics courses with no previous exposure to academic philosophy. As a result, students no longer have basic philosophic literacy. The NEW Third Edition of Fundamentals of Sports Ethics sets a serious philosophic foundation upon which readers can engage sport ethics....

Communication & Human Behavior

Author(s): Brent D Ruben, Lea Stewart

A knowledge of human behavior helps us understand ourselves, our actions, our motives, our feelings, and our aspirations… Communication and Human Behavior portrays a broad and colorful landscape of the field, outlines the history of communication study, and focuses on communication as a basic lif...

The Road to Success: Learning How to Become an Effective Negotiator

Author(s): Terry L Boles, Lon D Moeller, S. Beth Bellman

Think about what it felt like the first time you sat behind the steering wheel of a car. It was exciting because driving a car allowed you to go different places. Driving was frightening because of your new responsibilities and the possibility of making mistakes that could lead to an accident. Th...

The Rhetoric of Western Thought: From the Mediterranean World to the Global Setting

Author(s): George F McHendry Jr., M. Elizabeth Thorpe, Jessica A. Kurr, James L Golden, Goodwin Berquist, William Coleman, James M Sproule

Building upon a rich legacy, the new edition of The Rhetoric of Western Thought provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of rhetoric from its inception in the ancient world, to its present day expression in contemporary practice and scholarship. The 11th edition gives deliberate attent...

Law for Recreation and Sport Managers

Author(s): Doyice J Cotten, John Wolohan

Since 1997, Law for Recreation and Sport Managers has been the leading recreation and sports law book for undergraduate and graduate sport management and recreation programs. Key Features: Up-to-date on current court cases Each chapter is written by leading recreation and sport law profes...