Search Results: 51 - 59 of 59

What is Theatre?: An Introduction to Theatre

Author(s): Christopher Montpetit

What is Theatre? An Introduction to Theatre is a textbook written for and geared towards those who are not familiar with the ancient and lively art known as theatre. Available in a convenient and affordable eBook format, What is Theatre? is an introductory and interactive look at the theatrical h...

Business Calculus

Author(s): Maijian Qian, Adam Glesser

Revised 2nd edition now available! The most common question in a college-level mathematics course is, "Why should we learn this?" Business Calculus was written to help the industry- or MBA-bound students answer this question. Written by long-time university educators, this introductory-level b...

Introduction to Religion: A Customized version of An Exploration of World Religions by Robert Y. Owusu and Richard Bennett, Designed Specifically for Robert Y. Owusu at Kennesaw State University

Author(s): Robert Owusu

Introduction to Religion provides a study that draws from diverse academic and disciplinary approaches to understand, appreciate, compare, and contrast the conceptual and experiential dimensions of religion that give meaning and purpose to adherents. It points out key elements of the religions of th...

Math Matters: A Workbook Approach to Mathematics for Veterinary Technicians

Author(s): Aaron Levin, James Morgan

Aaron Levin and James Morgan’s Math Matters: A Workbook Approach to Mathematics for Veterinary Technicians is a valuable resource for students during the difficult transition to mathematically charged classes such as anesthesiology and pharmacology. The publication provides students with more mat...

Sociology: Diversity and Change in the Twenty-First Century

Author(s): Davita Silfen Glasberg, Kenneth Neubeck

New Edition Now Available! Challenge Your Students Beyond Their Comfort Zone… Sociology: Diversity and Change in the Twenty-First Century stimulates readers’ sociological imaginations by using core sociological concepts to explore basic issues that may challenge their taken-for-granted world. ...

History & Literature of the Old Testament

Author(s): Joel Heck

History & Literature of the Old Testament is author Joel D. Heck’s result of years of study of the Old Testament, preaching on the Old Testament, and teaching the Old Testament. This textbook is written under the conviction that most introductions to the Old Testament are written at the level of the...