Search Results: 1141 - 1150 of 1190

A Bridge to the Classroom and Early Care: A Capstone

Author(s): Suzanne L. Krogh

A BRIDGE TO THE CLASSROOM AND EARLY CARE solidifies students’ knowledge of child development theories and principles, and teaches practical application for real classroom and early care situations. The text reviews NAEYC/NCATE standards, how to create curriculum for varying ages, and ways to manage ...

The Impacts of Covid-19


The Impacts of COVID-19 is a textbook that offers vivid insights for students taking courses in the College of Arts and Sciences including anthropology, biology, computer sciences, computer systems technology, economics, English, psychology, and philosophy. Similarly, students who take courses in th...

The Beatles and the Resurgence of Western Art Music

Author(s): Mark Lanter

Who’s music will endure when looking back to the 20th Century 250 years from now?  Will there be a composer comparable to Beethoven, Mozart, or Bach? Looking back to the 20th century the names in the Classical Music world Century would include Stravinsky, Bartok, Debussy, Schoenberg, and Stockhausen...

Learning to Listen

Author(s): Kimberly M Davenport

Music listening skills are vital for success in any music course and are also profoundly transferable skills for life and work. Particularly for non-majors with minimal background or training, coming into perhaps the only music class they will ever take, the prospect of listening, analyzing, and wri...

The Right Recipe for Entrepreneurial Success

Author(s): Clint Vogus

Since its founding, the U.S. has experienced unprecedented economic growth and prosperity, resulting in higher living standards for each successive generation of Americans. Entrepreneurial Businesses have been the foundation of our economy’s growth engine.The Right Recipe for Entrepreneurial Success...

Children and Families: Understanding Behavior and Dynamics

Author(s): Francis Wardle, Tamecca Fitzpatrick

CHILDREN & FAMILIES: UNDERSTANDING BEHAVIOR & DYNAMICS introduces students to the variety of familial structures covered under the contemporary definition of “family” and discusses ways to address each family type’s unique needs. Highlighted in this discussion are popular family theories and parenti...