Search Results: 1651 - 1660 of 1764

Third-Generation Mindfulness: The Image Priming Method (A Personal Visual Essay) Professional Version

Author(s): Jonathan C Smith

Professional Version Image Priming, Professional Version is a part of a new generation of mindfulness training. Its working premise is that a powerful understanding of diverse professional techniques is revealed when we go beyond words and verbal analysis. Image Priming does this through a system...

Hearing Doctor, Deaf Patient: Problematic Health Care Interactions


Abstract Physician–patient communication is central to the field of health communication, with recent work in this area highlighting problems some patients experience during physician–patient interactions. This chapter presents a case about problematic interactions Deaf patients report having wit...

Developmental Reading and Academic Strategies for Academic Success in Secondary and Higher Education

Author(s): Valerie Joy Cullin

Developmental Reading and Academic Strategies for Academic Success in Secondary and Higher Education focuses on reading techniques and writing concepts in the following areas: General reading strategies (highlighting and note-taking) Identifying important ideas Identifying writing patterns...

An International Student in the United States: A Case Study of Communication Theory of Identity


Sample Identity has been a significant concept for well over a hundred years and a focus of empirical research in the social sciences since the late 1970s, especially with the development of Social Identity Theory by Henri Tajfel and John Turner (1979). In the intervening years, with the rise of ...

Introduction to the Measurement of Humorous Communication


Sample “I laughed so hard I was gasping for breath, my body was shaking, and tears were streaming down my face!” A statement such as this exemplifies the diverse channels and potential avenues for measuring humorous communication. We can assess humor through self-reports, through observable behav...

Disarmingly Funny: The Perils of Television's Political Comedy


Sample On September 13, 2008 the season premier of Saturday Night Live opened with comediennes Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and New York Senator Hillary Clinton. The sketch aired in the final months of election coverage, and introduced what would become Fey’s most noted...

When Obesity is a Crime: Family Communication and Individual Member Health


Abstract It is often difficult to tease out the specific influence of individual factors on one’s health behaviors. Given that individual differences, conversations with peers and relatives, media messages, and environmental issues might have mixed effects on our health across the lifespan, a the...