Search Results: 1 - 10 of 89

Safety, Nutrition and Health in Early Education


Safety, Nutrition and Health in Early Education explores early childhood safety and nutrition in a variety of facets, including indoor and outdoor safety, emergency procedures, nutrition and food safety, as well as a chapter on holistic wellness in early childhood education. Topics such as diversity...

Survey of African American Dance

Author(s): Vikki Baltimore-Dale

Survey of African American Dance is an informative panorama of the role of the African American in the development of dance in America. It identifies the influences and contributions of the African American movement aesthetic seen throughout the history of American Dance. Special focus is placed on ...

Principles of Macroeconomics: Understanding Our Material World

Author(s): Fred G Newbury, Dave Shorow, Gus Herring

Principles of Macroeconomics: Understanding Our Material World provides a fully integrated multi-modal format (printed text, if desired, as well as eBook, video, audio, animations, interactive exercises and more) to help guide your students through the challenging world of macroeconomics.Principles ...

Contemporary Physical Science

Author(s): Innocent Aluka

New Sixth Edition Now Available!Contemporary Physical Science introduces readers to the basic concepts of the physical processes occurring in our environment. It is designed and structured for beginning scientists, introductory science educators, and non-science majors enrolled in physical science t...

We Hate Team Projects! A Friendly, Useful Guide for College Student Teams

Author(s): Scott Behson, Stephen Bear

We get it - you've been burned by team projects before. We Hate Team Projects! A Friendly, Useful Guide for College Student Teams provides practical advice and easy-to-use templates to help you avoid common team problems, do better work, have less stress, and have more fun. This guidebook provide...

Starting Your Marketing

Author(s): Matthew A. Gilbert

In an era dominated by the relentless rise of social media marketing and the advent of artificial intelligence, the influence of marketing has never been more profound. Individuals now encounter up to 10,000 advertisements daily, underscoring the explosion of marketing channels and the sophisticatio...

Selling Yourself and Your Ideas: A Guide for Building Presentation Skills

Author(s): Murray State University

One’s personal, professional, and public life depends on the ability to discover, in any given case, the available means of persuasion, or to adjust ideas to people and people to ideas. The extent to which a person can do that is the extent to which he/she will be successful in those areas of life. ...

Communication Disorders: Foundations and Clinical Applications for Emerging Clinicians

Author(s): Rachel Glade, ALLIETE ALFANO

New Second Edition Now Available!Communication Disorders: Foundations and Clinical Applications for Emerging Clinicians is presented in an innovative e-book format that combines functional content knowledge with clinical application skills. The purpose of each chapter is to provide a brief review of...