Search Results: 231 - 240 of 240

The Discerning Eye: Perspectives for Watching, Reflecting on, and Writing about Movies

Author(s): Timothy Bywater, Thomas Sobchack

Preview of The Discerning Eye coming attractions: The aim of this book is not to prescribe the absolute meaning of a movie. Rather, the aim is to help students discover some of  a movie's many possible meanings.  To achieve this, the book is divided into four parts:  Part One, The Birth of an Art Fo...

Theatre: Its Nature, Its Variety, Its Development

Author(s): Robert Smith

Theatre: Its Nature, Its Variety, Its Development is laid out in a nontraditional format for introductory theatre courses. The nature of theatre is difficult enough to understand without imposing a 2,500 year barrier to that process. Accordingly, this text starts with an understanding of the nature ...

Gear Up for Success: Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development

Author(s): Joseph B Cuseo, Aaron Thompson, Shane Shope, John Roush

This invaluable resource guides middle school students into their high school years and equips them with success skills for high school, college, and career. It is completely customizable to fit each state’s unique requirements. A highly interactive text, the book features numerous places for self-r...

Does it Follow? A First Course in Logic

Author(s): Patrick Kenny

Does it Follow? A First Course in Logic guides first-time students of formal logic through the fundamentals of the discipline. Traditionally, logic has been a part of the discipline of philosophy, but throughout this book you will see different symbols that suggest a addition to another academic dis...

Biosocial Criminology: A Primer

Author(s): Kevin M Beaver

New Fourth Edition Now Available! Thousands of studies have been published attempting to uncover how the brain works, the functions of different regions of the brain, and how specific parts of the brain contribute to the development of certain disorders. The overwhelming majority of this work ...