Search Results: 1 - 10 of 53

Contemporary Environmental Issues

Author(s): Michael Slattery

Scientists say we are in a new stage of the Earth’s history, the Anthropocene, when we humans have become the globe’s principal agent of change.To begin a shift toward a “sustainable society,” significant action is required now on a range of issues. Fortunately, people are capable of changing their ...

Elements of Physical Geology: An Interactive Experience

Author(s): Mark A Tinsley

Physical geology is an exciting and dynamic scientific discipline. However, students who take physical geology in an online format often fail to experience the science fully because they are forced to complete virtual, non-tactile lab exercises that are uninspiring and only marginally instructive. ...

Introduction to the Humanities: An Outline Guide

Author(s): Sarah Satterfield

Introduction to Humanities: An Outline Guide is the outgrowth of many years of teaching Humanities at the collegiate level. Students are often overwhelmed by the amount of material in Humanities texts. Introduction to Humanities: An Outline Guide is a synthesis and reduction of this material. The te...