Search Results: 171 - 180 of 180

Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology and Their Influence: An Introduction

Author(s): David Soren

Classical influence has shaped our daily lives and continues to do so even to this day. Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology and Their Influence: An Introduction offers a brief survey of ancient Greece (focusing on Athens) and ancient Italy (focusing on Rome) and then shows the influence of these ...

Comprehending Behavioral Statistics

Author(s): Russell Hurlburt

Comprehending Behavioral Statistics is organized to capitalize on every opportunity to enhance the reader's comprehension. The Comprehending Behavioral Statistics/Personal Trainer package exploits 21st century capabilities to provide the reader with multiple ways of approaching behavioral statistics...

Psychology in Diversity, Diversity in Psychology: Introduction to Psychology for the 21st Century

Author(s): Jürgen W. Kremer

Psychology in Diversity | Diversity in Psychology: Introduction to Psychology in the 21st Century takes students on a journey that looks at psychology and their own psyche from a new perspective. This turn-key online course package encourages students to explore the psychological diversity of hum...

Understanding Lifespan Development

Author(s): Christopher Stanley, Lauren Stanley

Understanding Lifespan Development is an excellent selection for college courses such as Lifespan Development, Developmental Psychology, and Human Behavior in the Social Environment. Some unique features make this book particularly attractive for instructors and students. Drawing on many years te...

Lifetime Fitness and Wellness

Author(s): Doris P Screws, Angela Shorter

This book is designed to help individuals understand how their lives can be enhanced by making and implementing appropriate healthy fitness and wellness choices throughout one’s lifetime. Choices made today will shape your future in all dimensions of wellness. In order to enjoy the highest quality o...

Qigong, Meditation, Tai Chi: Bridging Your Path to Health and Longevity

Author(s): May Tuan-I Chen

Qigong, Meditation, Tai Chi: Bridging Your Path To Health and Longevity is a guiding primer for everyone interested in gaining insight into these mind-body practices.   Qigong, Meditation, Tai Chi includes classic theories and principles, inherent concepts and techniques, stylistic and practice d...

The 5 Foundations of Modern World: A Student's Guide to World History, Volume 2

Author(s): Curtis Morgan

The study of mankind’s history is the most important study there is. The Foundations of the Modern World: A Student’s Guide to World History Vol. 2 employs five major ideas to help the student to sort out all the dates, places, and names they will encounter in a college-level introductory World Hist...

Essential Humanities

Author(s): Lois Parrott

If you are looking for a text book that students can carry to and from class and also enjoy reading like a magazine, this is the text for you.  This text is the best way to teach Humanities to students who are required to take an Introduction to the Humanities course.  Essential Humanities was writt...

An Introduction to Music Travel Culture

Author(s): Anthony Marra

Music Travel Culture was written and designed for the busy 21st century music student. Most of the textbook uses the outline rather than the paragraph approach of presenting information. One of the main purposes of the book is to give students information on instruments and skills needed to become b...