Search Results: 1 - 10 of 15

Act One Scene One: An Actor's Workbook

Author(s): James Winter

Act One Scene One: An Actor's Workbook is a unique, digital, actor's workbook that empowers the acting student to document each step of their early training.  The book is filled with interactive text analysis exercises, observation-based journaling, and even resume-crafting opportunities.  All of th...

Human Nutrition: Navigating through the Maze

Author(s): Rhonda M Lane

Human Nutrition: Navigating Through the Maze was developed to help adult students learn about nutrition and to stimulate the student’s own critical thinking skills so that they can incorporate the basic nutritional concepts they learn into their daily lives to maintain a healthy body. Some of the to...

Psychology: The Scientific Approach

Author(s): James Jakubow

Psychology: The Scientific Approach introduces students to the dynamic world of psychology.  The publication examines the history and methodology of psychology, the basic factors of psychology, combining the basic functions of psychology, and people interacting with people. The turn-key course pa...

Food Chemistry

Author(s): Piotr Nowinski, Fahrettin Gogus, Sibel Fadiloglu, Huseyin Bozkurt

Food Chemistry is an online turn-key course package that studies the properties of foods and food ingredients. It seeks to understand how chemical systems work in order to better control them to improve the nutritional value, safety, and preservation of foods. The publication presents the basics ...

Music through Time: An Appreciation of Music in Europe and America - Website

Author(s): Christopher P Gordon, John A Stallsmith, Shane Porter

Music Through Time: An Appreciation of Music in Europe and America encourages the reader to discover not only information applying to music, but also to rediscover the big ideas that shaped Western Civilization over the centuries. These “big ideas” are represented through music, musicians, composers...