Search Results: 1 - 10 of 60

Policing for the 21st Century: Realizing the Vision of Police in a Free Society

Author(s): Christine Gardiner, Matthew J Hickman

Policing for the 21st Century: Realizing the Vision of Police in a Free Society provides a thematic overview of policing and its role in American society. This text is unique in that it provides extensive information about how police identify community problems, the methods police use to respond to ...

Thriving in High School and Beyond: Strategies for Academic Success & Personal Development

Author(s): Joseph B Cuseo, Aaron Thompson, Shane Shope, John Roush

Thriving in High School and Beyond: Strategies for Academic Success & Personal Development Equips students with a comprehensive set of specific, action-based strategies that identifies what to do to succeed in high school and beyond, accompanied by compelling reasons why to do itFocuses on the stude...

Race, Crime and Justice

Author(s): Robert III Bing

Race, Crime and Justice is the culmination of many years of research and teaching on the subject. It includes seminal studies and current research findings. The text recognizes the influence of politics; it also examines the flawed policies and practices that contribute to the disparate treatment of...

Medical Communication: Physical and Psychological Wellness

Author(s): Theodore A Avtgis, Kevin Wright, Veronica Nuzzolo

New Third Edition Coming Soon!Communication-related issues lead to thousands of deaths annually.The third edition of Medical Communication: Physical and Psychological Wellness creates a more health-conscious society by presenting unique and groundbreaking perspectives on communication in the practic...

Communicating in Your Personal, Professional and Public Lives

Author(s): Sara Weintraub, Candice Thomas-Maddox, Kerry Byrnes

Communication is everywhere in our daily lives. Whether we are interacting with a friend or with a supervisor, in today’s society, the ability to communicate effectively is imperative. Communicating in Your Personal, Professional & Public Lives covers a wide range of relevant topics that provide ...

Survey of African American Dance

Author(s): Vikki Baltimore-Dale

Survey of African American Dance is an informative panorama of the role of the African American in the development of dance in America. It identifies the influences and contributions of the African American movement aesthetic seen throughout the history of American Dance. Special focus is placed on ...

An Applied Approach to Microeconomics

Author(s): Jack A Chambless

Some people would rather perform root canal surgery on a rabid wolverine than sit through a discussion of Federal Reserve policies.Jack A. Chambless’ An Applied Approach to Microeconomics prepares readers to become economically literate human beings by presenting real world issues in a somewhat cont...

The How and Why of World History

Author(s): Geoffroy De Laforcade, Charles H Ford, Steven Isaac, Patrick U Mbajekwe, Phillip A Cantrell, Stephanie J Richmond

History, like the poetic epics and grand religious narratives of ancient and classical times, is a story written from a given perspective.  The How and Why of World History examines world history through various perspectives, regions, and eras.  This seventeen-chapter publication includes a bibliogr...

Tax Core Introduction: Individuals 2024


“Learning federal tax law is simple!”  No, quite to the contrary, Albert Einstein stated “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax." So, if learning federal taxation is difficult, then teaching taxation is definitely a challenge in today’s world of complex tax laws and various ...

Contemporary Physical Science

Author(s): Innocent Aluka

New Sixth Edition Now Available!Contemporary Physical Science introduces readers to the basic concepts of the physical processes occurring in our environment. It is designed and structured for beginning scientists, introductory science educators, and non-science majors enrolled in physical science t...